World-Class Train-the-Trainer Program Sponsored by EANJ

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Six of ten of members of the Employers Association of New Jersey (EANJ) believe that labor shortages will negatively impact their business, according to the 2018 Talent Management Survey.

Recruiting strategies are varied but nearly 60 percent reported that their major recruiting challenge is lack of skills in the applicant pool. Nearly half reported lack of relevant job experience as an obstacle.

While finding the right person is hard, keeping that person may be harder.

“Our survey reported that 60 percent of our members are having difficulty recruiting and retaining skilled workers. They also say that there is not much planning going on to keep skills when it walks out the door or retires” says John Sarno, president of EANJ.

Skills keeping depends on how well supervisors develop a future workforce that is nimble, educated, and trained to drive the business forward.

The best strategies develop highly skilled employees that not only value their job but want to continue on a career track.

To help meet the needs uncovered by the survey, EANJ has partnered with the Industry Consortium for Advanced Technical Training (ICATT) and the German-American Chamber of Commerce to offer a world-class train-the-trainer course at its Livingston training center from July 23 – 26.

Based on the world class German Gold Standard of training workers - Ausbildung der Ausbilder - the program is used in 35 counties.

The program fosters internal trainers and mentors who will help their employers utilize proven talent management strategies to embrace technical advances, keep pace with market demands and harness growth opportunities.  

“This course is specifically designed for supervisors and any leader who is responsible for teaching workers or other staff on a regular basis.” adds Sarno.

For more information, click here.