Join us for the 108th Annual Membership Meeting
The annual meeting brings EANJ members together to discuss critical topics shaping the future of NJ Employers, hear from the association’s President and Officers and gives you the opportunity to network with your peers.
Meet Our New President
EANJ has announced the 4th President in its 108-year history. Get acquainted with Christine Myers as she shares her vision, goals and strategies for steering EANJ into the future.
Featured Speaker

Audrey Lane, President, Garden State Initiative
Legislative Update - The State of New Jersey Employers
Senators Jon M. Bramnick (R) and Joseph Cryan (D) will address legislative policies impacting our employers, employees and the businesses in New Jersey. This is a great opportunity to connect directly with our legislators and gain valuable insights into the future direction of employers in New Jersey.
Details, Location & Registration
9:30am - Registration, Breakfast and Networking
10am-12pm - Program
Park Avenue Club
184 Park Avenue
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Registration is closed. Please contact us here if you're interested in attending.
Register as an individual member or highlight your company to New Jersey’s employer community and show your support for EANJ by selecting a sponsorship opportunity below.
EANJ Member Price - $45
Future Member / Guest Rate - $55
Platinum $2,500
- Company logo prominently displayed on all event materials including website, signage, and promotional materials.
- Full page ad in event program.
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor during opening and closing remarks.
- Exhibition space in designated area
- Four complimentary registrations for the event.
- Recognition on association's social media channels.
Gold $1,500
- Company logo displayed on event materials and signage.
- Full page ad in event program
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor during opening remarks.
- Exhibition space in designated area (limited number available, will be assigned on first come basis)
- Two complimentary registrations for the event.
- Recognition on association's website.
Silver $750
- Company name listed on event materials and signage.
- Half page ad in event program
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor during opening remarks.
- One complimentary registration for the event.
- Recognition on association's website.
Bronze $500
- Company name listed on event materials.
- Recognition as Bronze Sponsor during opening remarks.
- Half page ad in event program.
- Recognition on association's website.
Supporter $250
- Recognition on association's website.
- Logo included on sponsor recognition page in event program.
Thank you to our Sponsors and Supporters of this event!
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor
