Affirmative Action Transition Webinar

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Speaker:EANJ & MSEC

In order to facilitate a smooth transition of the Affirmative Action Service, EANJ will  be having  a  special webinar so that you can ‘meet’ with the  experts who will be working with you to prepare your Plan starting January, 2017: Sandra Harrison AAPS Operations Manager, Affirmative Action Planning Services and Nick Haynes, Managing Attorney, Affirmative Action Planning Services.

In addition to presenting Mountain States Employers Council ( to you, I have asked them to  share their excel format and the type of information they will be requesting from you in effort to prepare you for the transition.

We hope you can join us on Wednesday, October 5th at 11 AM.

You can attend via audio or in person at the EANJ Office. In either event, registration is necessary.

To attend via webinar click blue registration link below.  To attend the session live in the EANJ office, please contact the office to register.